
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Looking Good, Moon!

Like billions and billions of humanoids who preceded me on this planet, I love the moon. I like knowing that the moon I gaze at is the same one they gazed at. For all of us, the moon has always been a faithful companion, shining down on everyone, whether we deserve it or not, and lighting up both our happiest times, and the dark nights of our souls.

For me and many fly fishermen, the moon has also been a welcome fishing partner, extending time on the water, and transforming our lakes and rivers into magical places.

The moon rose full over the eastern ridge last Friday evening (it was around 4:40 in the afternoon, for Pete's sake) and I took this shot thinking of a series of moon shots culminating in the total eclipse early Saturday morning.

But when I went out a little later I found that the moon had slipped behind the cloud cover where it would stay for the next 48 hours. I did say the moon is faithful--and it was up and shining away--but, like us, it is sometimes influenced by circumstances beyond its control.

So I got my usual beauty sleep Friday night and didn't get up at 4:45 AM to see the beginning of the eclipse.

Fortunately, Joseph Brimacombe, of Cairns, Australia, did get up and captured an impressive image of the eclipse in all its glory.

Looking good, Moon!

This is from The Universe Today. (And, for all you science geeks out there, here's a link to the site I found it on, billed as "the place to find science and engineering on the web.")

Photographer Joseph Brimacombe created this stunning image of a ruddy Moon made during the total lunar eclipse of December 10, 2011. Images taken during the penumbral and total phases of the eclipse were combined to create a full-face image of the Moon in color. Beautiful!
The red tint of the Moon during an eclipse is caused by sunlight passing through Earth’s atmosphere, in effect projecting the colors of all the world’s sunsets onto the Moon’s near face. The vibrancy and particular hue seen depends on the clarity of the Earth’s atmosphere at the time of the eclipse.
Joseph’s location in Cairns, Australia allowed for great viewing of the eclipse in totality, whereas many areas of North and South America and Europe missed the full eclipse event.

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