
Saturday, January 7, 2012

You Do It, I Do It, Bears Do It...Wolves Do It?

Photos taken at Brooks Falls on the Brooks River above Naknek Lake in the Katmai National Monument, Alaska. (Via email; photos unattributed.)


  1. Sweet photos Jim! I never thought about it but sure, why wouldnt a wolf go after a little sushi.

  2. With so much against it, it's a wonder there are any salmon left.
    Nice photos, who ever took them.

  3. YearOntheFly: Have to agree. Adapt or die.
    Brk Trt: Wish I'd been there taking them.

  4. Excellent photos. I have to admit I'm always jarred by how positively dog-like wolves look, although I'm guessing it's more accurate to describe it the other way around. The point is, you should adopt and domesticate a wolf. I don't know how long they live, but I can definitely see you as the hermitic grizzled old man living in a dilapidated cabin alongside his pet wolf. And then, apparently, you'd always have a fishing buddy.

  5. laura: An intriguing suggestion. But it would have to be a wolf who is friendly to little granddaughters. And Anne would never ever come visit me.
