
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome to Spring


It's official. Spring is here. The vernal equinox--the moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator--happened at 10:14 PM Monday night for us here in the West, which was 12:14 AM today for those of you in the central part of the country, and 1:14 AM for those of you in the East.

Welcome to Spring. Sigh of relief, all together now: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh......."

If weather permits where you are, you may want to take notice of the sun. It will rise due East, and set due West.


  1. My second favorite season of the year right behind Fall. I mowed the lawn for the first time yesterday....that's a sure sign of Spring (one I could definitely do without!!)

    1. That's just what I was thinking yesterday as I cleaned up the yard and burned a big pile of brush.
