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If you're a tyer, I think you know what I'm talking about. You look at hundreds of pictures of flies, and then one speaks to you. It says, "Here I am. I am you. We could make beautiful music together."
This Adams wet spoke loud and clear to me. It comes from Don Bastian via the Daily Fly Paper Blog, and the recipe is in his words. Can't wait to try it out.
Adams Wet Fly Recipe:
Hook: Mustad or other, standard wet fly hook
Thread: This specimen is finished with black, but gray is a good color for fishing flies. Gray thread also makes a nice thread rib, which tightens up the body a bit and produces a segmented appearance.
Tip: Gold tinsel, optional
Tail: Brown and grizzly hen fibers, mixed
Ribbing: None, though optionally, you could use fine gold wire, or rib the body with reverse-wound tying thread from your bobbin
Body: Dark gray muskrat or rabbit fur
Hackle: Brown and grizzly hen, one turn of each
Wing: Grizzly hen hackle tips, paired facing in, back-to-back as shown.
I love wet flies and that a beauty!!!