
Saturday, August 20, 2011

As August Slips Away...

I'm alarmed to see August slipping away with only a handful of posts up. Suffice it to say that it has been an extraordinarily busy month. There have been wonderful diversions such as the trip to see grandsons in the east, but there have also been work-related emergencies that have required extra time and diligence. Those, happily, seem to be under control.

Still, what a lovely August it has been so far. The weather has been just right for this time of year, something we couldn't say for the first half of the year. The fishing, when I made it out, has been exceptional. And it isn't over yet. The river is looking good, and I hear through the grapevine that the DFW has tracked tagged salmon all the way up here already. I plan to wet a line in the river soon, I hope this next week, and take my own reading. There should still be some time to get back to the lake, too. I do like to be a part of the subtle seasonal changes there.

But there is one more diversion coming up right at the end of the month. On the 29th I head back east with two of my brothers to Idaho and the Henry's Fork. Someone's got to do it. The latest report on the Ranch section from Trout Hunter includes these magic words: "And to everyone's delight, we're starting to see some Honey Ants." Include us in the "everyone."

So it has been an unusually busy but very good month. I even had a chance to take Jeremiah to the bass lake again. This photo, even though there are no fly rods or trout in it, sums up for me how special fishing in August can be. I hope you've been able to make the most of it.

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