
Friday, March 21, 2014

Youth Sports Post: Baseball Season Opener

The latest sign of Spring appeared Thursday: High School baseball.

It was a chilly day, and there was still a little snow left along the backstop.

But there were more signs of Spring: midges from the nearby river swarming in the sun...

And Violet-Green swallows--my first sighting--swarming on the midges.

Jeremiah and the team were visitors at the same nearby town that suffered a loss from our soccer team this week. And they suffered another loss from our baseballers, a shutout that shut down early because of the ten-run rule.

Jeremiah played well. I was proud as could be.

If you want me in the next few weeks, I'll be driving back and forth to baseball and soccer games.


  1. The kids got good baseball instincts. That slide into home shows it. He kept his eye on the dish and paid no attention to the catcher or anything else.
    Well done J

  2. Sorry, I passed up the midge video to watch Jeremiah play.
