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Things are way too busy, and have been for awhile. I have had to wrest fishing time out of my overloaded schedule, as I did last Sunday evening. Symptomatic, perhaps, of my hurry to get away for awhile, I forgot the camera.
At first I felt a little naked without it. Then I remembered how quickly one can get blissfully lost in the process of fishing when that's all you're doing.
It was windy, so I threw and stripped big flies. I started with a Henry's Fork Hopper, and had a good fish come up out of the weeds in the channel and break it off. That was on 5X; I tied a Stimulator on with 4X.
Out in open water I caught a couple of small Rainbows, then things slowed down. I tied on the Bomber, and things picked up. I caught two nice Browns, one pushing 18 inches, I bet.
At dusk I made my way back to the channel near my take out and caught a third Brown. This was a good fish, maybe going twenty. I wondered if it was the same fish that broke me off earlier. Maybe not, but I decided that fish had likely been a Brown, too.
All that brown inspired me to pull out some photos of five memorable Browns from the past. The last one in this hall of fame may be the best fish I've caught to date in this lake.
I saw a blog a few years ago that had a photo of this lake, and an account of a fishing trip here. The author was being cagey; he didn't reveal the true name of the lake. He called it Brown Trout Lake.
Good name.
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